ACUOD(アクオド)は、デザイナーCHANUにより立ち上げられたユニセックスモードストリートブランドです。2016年10月、Amazon Fashion Week TOKYO 2017SSでオープニングを飾りランウェイデビュー。
ブランド名の「ACUOD」の由来は、Ace Creation Unisex Original Dressの略称でありまた、日本語の「同化」という文字(DOUCA)を反対に並べた造語でもあります。「同化」の反対語は「異化」であり、「ACUOD」はその両方の意味を持っています。
ACUOD is an unisex mode street brand found by designer Chanu. It made its runway debut at Amazon Fashion Week Tokyo 2017 SS in October 2016.
“ACUOD” is an abbreviation of “Ace Creation Unisex Original Dress” and also a coined word of “douka” ( “assimilation” in Japanese) spelled backwards. The brand name simultaneously holds meaning of 2 opposite words defined below:
The process to adapt or adjust something different and sublime to a new dimension.
The process of transforming the familiar to something heterogenous.
ACUOD intends to set new values by breaking boundaries of opposing themes: man / woman, street / mode, casual / formal.
It is eager to take in elements and concepts regardless of genre, questing standards of fashion and culture.